The Importance of Internet Access to Education

Education is both a basic human right and a vital aspect of sustainable development. The internet brings a lot of benefits for the students and teachers. It’s a great source of knowledge, widely used to gather information and to do research on various subjects. The access to the internet can improve the quality of education in many ways. It opens the doorways to educational resources, increasing opportunities for learning in and beyond the classroom. Let’s have a closer look at the role of the internet access in education.

The internet is a source of relevant information. Popular search engines are the first choice of people as they offer an easy and instant reach to the vast amount of information in just a few seconds. They keep us up to date with the latest information regarding the subjects in which we are interested.

The internet is a source of knowledge that can be searched at any time. Students can easily access quality education materials for free. Teachers can also make use of the internet by providing the students with extra resources.  Multimedia materials help the students with the learning process as they help to simplify the knowledge. They help to visualize what is being taught by the teachers in school.

The internet allows students to be in constant touch with their teachers or with other classmates with the help of social media, messaging apps and chat forums. Teachers use online materials to prepare lessons, and students use them to extend their range of learning.

A number of factors, however, inhibit full achievement of the above-mentioned gains, especially in certain areas of the world. Lack of access to the internet is a problem that needs to be tackled on a global level. Good internet connection is essential for the development of an information society.

Connectivity is fundamental to sustainable development. Improving the quality of education requires affordable access to the online resources. It also requires providing people with the knowledge and the tools to use the Internet. The policymakers should work together to unlock the full potential that the internet has for education.


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