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Internet Safety for Kids: Approaching Your Child For a Conversation

If you’re worried about a child, encouraging them to talk can be very helpful, whether you’re a parent, grandparent, friend or teacher. 

It can be hard to start a conversation with your kid about what cyberbullying is and the dangers of cyberattacks. If you think your child has a problem with cyberbullying, children can become withdrawn and upset. 

Being able to talk to someone other than a parent is sometimes very helpful for children. Whether is a parent or someone else that one that will sustain the conversation, follow the following tips: 

  1. Notice the little conversation openers.

  2. Ask nonjudgmental questions that require real answers.

  3. Don't jump in with solutions and advice.

  4. Make sure you connect with each of your children every single day.

  5. Build “special time” with each child into your routine.

Also, remember: Be the change you want to see in the world!

Remember that kids don't simply listen to what you say; they also watch what you do. So, if you want them to be more open and aware you should lead by example.

Consider how you may educate yourself and widen the horizons of your family, such as through books and television shows.