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Internet Access and Mental Health

The Bright Side Of the Internet 

The internet brings people from all over the world together. It offers us endless knowledge and entertainment, allows us to share information, and helps us connect with like-minded individuals (and those who challenge our views too!) What is more, the internet allows businesses to be run completely from home. The web opens up a whole world of opportunities, which can certainly have a positive impact on our psyche. 

Problematic Internet Use

Everything has its downsides if used in excess. According to doctors, too much screen time may increase anxiety, and lead to feelings of depression and dependency. It may also disrupt your sleep by blocking melatonin secretion. It’s recommended to put the smartphone and laptop aside at a reasonable hour and have a good night’s rest.

Social media may have negative impact on the psyche, too. These tools help us meet new people as well as stay in touch with family and friends, but can result in interactions that may lower our self-esteem.

What the Research Shows

According to some studies, residents of counties in the U.S. with higher levels of connectivity take more days off because of mental health issues. The reasons for this correlation are not fully understood. It’s possible that people living in areas with improved connectivity have better access to knowledge about mental health hygiene and are able to take days off to address those needs.

Set Healthy Boundaries

The internet is undoubtedly a great invention, impacting our lives in many ways. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to reasonable use. Limiting screen time each day and drawing boundaries for social media use may have positive influences on your state of mind.