How to Protect Your Devices From Malware

Don't get caught in an online scam that actually infects your device with viruses. You should suspect a computer virus if your machine slows down, crashes, or repeats error messages. If you suspect your computer is infected, make sure your security software is updated, then scan the computer. These days, protecting yourself from viruses and lost data is much easier than it used to be, so take a few minutes to make sure you’re protected. 

  1. Install antivirus software

    Antivirus software will protect your device from malicious software that poses a threat to the system. It will scan your computer to detect and clean the malware and provide automatic updates to provide protection against newly created viruses. Mostly, you don’t have to pay for software to protect your computer or for an annual subscription to keep the latest virus protection.

  2. Keep your software up to date

    Make sure that your software is regularly updated to stop attackers gaining access to your computer through vulnerabilities in older and outdated systems.

  3. Don’t open link within emails

    Phishing remains the easiest way for hackers to install malware on your device. They trick people into opening emails or clicking on links. If you don’t recognize a sender of an email, don’t click on any links within it. 

  4. Have a strong password

    A strong password complex, with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Don’t use the same password for everything. 

  5. Use a pop-up blocker

    Web browsers have the ability to stop pop-up windows and allow you to set the security for accepting pop-ups. Avoid clicking on links within pop-up screens.

  6. Download only from trusted sources

    Buying apps from trustworthy sources reduces the chance of your device being infected with malware. Make sure your Web browser’s security settings are high enough to detect unauthorized downloads.

  7. Back-up your computer regularly

    It’s important to back up on a regular basis to ensure that you can still retrieve all your valuable data and files if your computer is infected with malware. There are three basic back up options: an external hard drive, online back up service, or cloud storage.


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