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E-Based Activities For a Virtual Family Thanksgiving

Are you forced to skip traveling this year to stop the spread of COVID-19? Of course, no technology can ever fully replace the joy of in-person gathering, but you can also enjoy Thanksgiving with the help of some digital tools. Here are some ideas to recreate some Thanksgiving traditions online.

  1. Remote Thanksgiving dinner

    It’s the most obvious virtual celebration idea. To host an online family gathering, invite the family members to a video call. There are plenty of options available: Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, Skype or even Facebook Messenger make it possible to e-meet your loved ones.

  2. Icebreaker games

    Icebreaker games are quick activities that help you start conversations and build relationships. A good example is a classic game: Never Have I Ever. You may add a Thanksgiving twist to it asking questions related to Thanksgiving traditions and food, for example: “Never have I ever prepared a roast turkey”. 

  3. Sending virtual cards

    Sending e-cards is a low-cost and low-effort, but still heartwarming way of showing care to your loved ones.

  4. Drawing hand turkeys

    Organize an online contest for the best hand turkey! Don’t forget to write on each of the fingers what you’re thankful for.

  5. Watch a holiday movie together

    Isn’t watching a movie after Thanksgiving dinner a typical holiday custom? You can adapt this tradition to a remote celebration. Use a tool like Teleparty or Squad to watch something together with your loved ones.

  6. Play a game online

    You can opt for Thanksgiving Bingo, for example. It’s a very popular activity and most people are familiar with the rules. Another idea may be a virtual Scavenger Hunt.

  7. Create a kindness to-do list

    Launch the kindness challenge by giving each of your family a list of tasks to complete and set a timeframe. The list will motivate the participants to perform positive gestures. You may create your own template or find a ready one online.

  8. Take a virtual history lesson

    What does Thanksgiving commemorate? Get to know more about the history of this holiday by taking an online lesson. You can easily google the resources. You may also prepare a quiz!