Do I Need a New Wireless Router?

A router may be one of the most important devices in your home, although it is usually neglected and rarely replaced. Experts recommend getting a new router every five years. How can you tell that it’s time to buy a new one? Check the following list of useful tips.

Slow Wi-Fi

Is your connection slower than before? Does it take longer to load websites? Do you experience problems with streaming and uploading files? If so, run an internet speed test to check if you are lagging behind. The source of the issue may be an internet package that is suitable to your needs any more, but it may also be an underperforming router. To determine that, compare the actual internet speed with the one offered by your internet package.

Changing Needs

Your router might have been powerful enough at the time you acquired it, but is it still meeting your needs? Probably in the times of global pandemic you started working online which requires using more data. Or maybe more devices are connected to the internet at the same time? If such circumstances affect the reliability and speed of the connection, the router may not be powerful enough for your new needs.

Constant Restarting

Sometimes a simple reboot is all your network needs to start working properly. Try the obvious and unplug both the router and the modem to plug them both back in again. If it helps from time to time - that’s great. But if you have to restart the router often to get the connection back, it might be a sign there is an issue with the device. 

Issues with Indicator Lights 

When the device is working properly, most of its indicator lights are blinking or remain constantly on. Check the lights on the display and their meaning with the user’s manual.

Weird Noises or High Temperature Related Issues

Overheating and weird noises mean that the router is overworked and cannot handle your needs. If you experience these problems, it’s probably high time to replace the device with a new one. Contact your ISP or the nearest service shop and ask whether the router requires repair or total replacement. 


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