Cool IoT Exhibits to Check Out in Los Angeles

IoT stands for the internet of things - a system of interrelated devices, machines, or any other objects that are assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address and provided with unique identifiers. They are able to transfer data over a network without human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT is used in many industries in order to increase efficiency and quality of service.

IoT is developing rapidly, so events focused on presenting it are gaining popularity. Events provide the perfect space for marketers, salespeople, product developers, and enthusiasts and give them an opportunity to meet and test out new products and discuss the latest trends and developments in the IoT field.

Check out this list of events held in Los Angeles and plan your networking schedule! 


 TECHSPO is a two-day event held annually in Los Angeles. The purpose of it is bringing together people working in the field of technology and showcasing advances and innovations.  


ICSHHECITHE stands for the International Conference on Smart Home for Health and Elderly Care and Internet of Things in a Home Environment. The event provides an interdisciplinary platform for discussion about the recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as challenges and suggested solutions.


The International Conference on Smart Sensor Networks and Internet of Things-Enabled Sensors is another event organized by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. It gathers leading academic scientists and researchers, offering them space to share and discuss new developments and results in the field. 


Digital Marketing, Media and Advertising Conference is held in Long Beach, close to Los Angeles. The program is packed with digital marketing practices, recent trends, solutions, strategy and networking. It’s a must-go event also for people interested in IoT.


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