The Best Websites for Virtual Accessibility Services

Access to the internet and telecommunication tools is not a luxury, it’s a human right. Virtual content must be accessible to individuals who might struggle with interfaces in a way that the majority of the population does not. The accessibility needs of all people need to be considered. Some useful tools for a more accessible internet are listed below. 

  1. AccessiBe

    AccessiBe is working towards solving the problem of web accessibility through artificial intelligence. It simplifies and streamlines the process using machine learning and computer vision technologies. The interface is responsible for visual adjustments, while the background process optimizes the process for screen readers and for keyboard navigation.

  2. UserWay

    UserWay offers website accessibility solutions compliant with ADA without affecting the website's existing code. An engaged and experienced team strives towards digital accessibility for everyone.

  3. Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS)

    TRS is for individuals with hearing, sight or speech impairment wishing to communicate with hearing people using standard phones. The relay services require the use of text telephones, which are communications devices equipped with a keyboard for typing messages and a screen for reading them. The best part of this service? It’s free!

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of meetings, conferences, webinars, and other events held online increased dramatically. It will probably stay this way, as in such circumstances many participants can be reached at lower cost. Choosing the right tools and platforms is essential. Features to look for are support captions as well as screen readers and interpreters. It’s also good when the users may magnify the screen content and navigate by keyboard only. Check out the features offered by the most popular conferencing tools:

  1. Zoom

    This popular platform offers a complete experience to the impaired people. The meetings provide, among others, such features as: live-captioning, the participation of a sign language interpreter, navigation with keyboard shortcuts, screen reader support and font customization.

  2. Microsoft Teams

    Microsoft Teams offers high contrast mode for, reduction of visual distractions, navigation by keyboard shortcuts and technical support for users with disabilities.

  3. Google Hangouts

    It’s a quick and easy solution for smaller group meetings. The sound and picture quality are good,  and the background noise minimization feature focuses the audio on the speaker’s voice, which makes it easier to follow for people with hearing impairment. A screen reader and keyboard shortcut navigation are accessible too.

Remember, there is no one accessibility tool that is perfect. The important thing is having different tools to choose from, and not making assumptions about what works best for each individual. Since accessibility needs are different for everyone and may not always obvious, it’s important to treat all people with dignity and respect.


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