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7 Ways to Speed Up Your Home Internet Connection

The internet has become a crucial part of our lives. It is as basic and important as electricity or water, it works as a primary service in our household. A number of factors may impact the speed of your home internet connection: for one reason or another, when every member of a household is constantly using the net, it becomes relevant to make sure that everything is working properly to avoid issues with your network. This is in order to guarantee the best internet experience possible. 

So, how can you boost your internet speed? The first step is to know how fast your Wi-Fi is compared to the advertised speed of your internet plan. To do this, you can take one test at or If your test result is slower than the speed promised by your internet plan try any of these tips: 

1. Reset your router:

This is the simplest thing to do when trying to boost speed. Unplug your modem or router, wait ten seconds, reconnect it, and wait one minute for it to come back online. You can also try relocating it. Sometimes, obstructive materials such as metal, wood, and plastic (to name a few) can degrade the signal. To minimize issues related to these materials, try to place your router or modem at a central, unobstructed location in your home. 

2. Use ethernet:

Wireless connections are the most popular nowadays. Is it more comfortable to have this type of connection? Absolutely, but that doesn’t mean you should rely on wireless networks only.  Powerline Ethernet works better with heavy downloads because it offers a faster speed than even the best wireless technology. 

3. Block ads:

This is recommended not only to speed up your internet connection speed but to have a better experience in general. While improving the upload time for your files, it also saves memory and provides you with a faster connection, not to mention that blocking ads will also improve your privacy. 

4. Install anti-virus and anti-malware protection:

Viruses and malware are always trying to infect your computer or device. That's why you should have a software or program installed to prevent the attack. Also, make sure to run automatic updates and scan your devices often. 

5. Clear your cache:

Similar to installing ad-blocker software. If you clear your cached information regularly, you will clear out used memory space and it will benefit your internet experience as a result of better information recall, and faster page loads. In addition, if you don’t clear your cache and are low on disk space, it can cause display or access problems.

6. Check if your provider is experiencing issues

Sometimes problems happen: your ISP might be performing announced or unannounced maintenance that can temporarily lower the connection speed. It is important to make sure your ISP is not experiencing connectivity issues and providing you with a good service.   

7. Make sure there are no Wi-Fi freeloaders

If strangers successfully get onto your network, they may be stealing more than bandwidth. Your network should always be secure. Use a strong password for your Wi-Fi network and change it often so you can remove any unauthorized user. Fewer users using a networking device can help improve your speed.

We know slow internet speed is a nerve-racking experience, but try these tips and you will enhance your speed in no time! If they don’t seem to boost your connection speed or help you diagnose the issue, we recommend that you contact your internet provider or network hardware manufacturer to receive more in-depth support.