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4 Cybersecurity Tips for Home Internet Customers

If you keep up with tech news, you've probably noticed a recent emphasis on privacy and cybersecurity. The privacy practices of major corporations such as Google and Facebook have made headlines; the way businesses handle data is crucial. 

You must protect your data whether you are an individual or a corporate leader. Small, individual efforts can help to improve cybersecurity measures. So, how can you keep your information secure and out of the wrong hands?

  1. Back up all your data

    Losing data due to a computer malfunction or a hard drive accident can be discouraging. It's possible that you'll lose family photos, music, or financial information. It can take a long time to adjust your personal settings on a new computer once you get it exactly how you want it: desktop backdrop, music, screensavers, and wireless network options, to mention a few.

  2. Keep separate work and personal devices

    Companies have urged their employees to work remotely due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Many people have never worked from home before, and businesses are scrambling to acquire and set up the equipment necessary for operating in this new environment. Cybercriminals are more likely to gain access to devices that are utilized remotely, as employees frequently transfer files between their work and personal computers.

  3. Secure your home router

    Our houses are now packed with a variety of gadgets and equipment that require an internet connection, thanks to our increasingly modern environment. This increased reliance on the internet to link all of our devices, whether it's our computer, tablet, phone, fridge, TV, or baby monitor, has opened the door to various threats and security issues. When it comes to keeping criminals out and protecting your data, securing your home network is crucial.

  4. Use a VPN

    A virtual private network (VPN) is your best bet for ensuring that your internet activity is not spied on by your ISP or anybody else. It safeguards your financial transactions and personal information online in all situations by securing your web session, keeping your sent data secure and private.