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10 Pioneers of Internet Technology

Get to know ten individuals that significantly contributed to the development of the internet. These visionaries, inventors, researchers and programmers were crossing the borders of information technology, creating what we now take for granted. Who are the pioneers of internet?

  1. Vannevar Bush

    During the World War II this man helped to institutionalize the relationship between the government and the scientific scene. As a result, Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) was created. The beginnings of internet are associated with ARPA. 

  2. J.C.R. Licklider

    He worked for ARPA in the 60. Licklider believed that computers may be used to optimize human thinking and to share information. His idea was taken up by ARPA.

  3. Bob Taylor

    Taylor was looking for an efficient way of sharing information within ARPA. He picked up Licklider’s idea of a network.

  4. Larry Roberts

    Roberts was chosen by Taylor as a head of the project oriented towards creating an information sharing network. The result of it was the launch of ARPANET.

  5. Paul Baran

    ARPANET was to a large extent designed by him. The network connected large computers via smaller gateways (routers).

  6. Bob Metcalfe

    ARPANET was constantly growing, and the networking technology kept developing thanks to such computer scientists as Metcalfe, who invented Ethernet. Other computer networks were created around the world, but they could not communicate with one another, because they were using different protocols for data transmission.

  7. Vint Cerf 

    Vint Cerf is known as the “father of the Internet”. In 1974, together with Bob Khan, he wrote a TCP protocol (Transmission Control Protocol) that would become the new accepted standard for transmitting data. Thanks to the implementation of TCP the networks could connect with one another. The result of it is the internet as we know it.

  8. Ted Nelson

    Nelson coined the term “hypertext” referring to the system of linking.

  9. Tim Berners-Lee

    Berners-Lee is the creator of the World Wide Web. His system made finding and sharing data on the Internet much easier. It was the first step to the widespread popularity of the Internet. 

  10. Marc Andreesen

    Andreesen created one of the first browsers integrating text and graphics - Mosaic.